Food and Beverage Business

Nissui Group Acquires Facility in France to Expand Tapas Offerings

Nissui Group Acquires Facility in France to Expand Tapas Offerings Nissui Food and Beverage Business Nissui Group

Japanese seafood giant Nissui Group has made a strategic acquisition in France, purchasing a plant in Brittany to cater to the increasing demand for tapas-style seafood products. This move underscores the company’s commitment to expanding its offerings in the food and beverage industry.

The facility, acquired through its local subsidiary Miti, is located in Saint-Hernin. It will be utilized for the production of tapas, which encompass a wide range of small-dish seafood options. Miti, which Nissui acquired in 2017, has already been successful in producing shrimp tapas and plans to diversify its range, adding octopus, squid, and sardines to the product lineup at the newly acquired site.

The acquisition, finalized with Guyader Traiteur Frais—a well-known caterer and smoked fish expert—was conducted for an undisclosed amount. Nissui emphasized the growing popularity of this product category, explaining, “This category is growing due to the freshness and convenience of the products, which are highly thought of in France.” The company’s immediate goal is to position tapas as a cornerstone of its operations, with aspirations to sell not just within France but in neighboring countries as well.

Cité Marine, the immediate parent of Miti, has established itself as a manufacturer and distributor of various seafood products, including frozen and chilled options. Nissui has owned Cité Marine since 2007 and Miti since 2019. This acquisition can be seen as part of Nissui’s larger strategy to strengthen its footprint in the global seafood market, following its recent acquisitions in other countries, such as Musashino, a Japanese salmon processor, and Maxima Seafood in the Netherlands.

Looking ahead, Nissui is also planning to enhance production capabilities at its US and EU subsidiaries. In an earlier announcement, the group stated its intention to invest funds—Y17 million (approximately $113,122 at that time)—into both Gorton’s Co. and Cité Marine to expand their operations. Gorton’s, which focuses on ready-to-cook frozen seafood for the US market, has expressed a need for a larger production facility to support its expanding shrimp product lineup. Meanwhile, the investment in Cité Marine’s Keranna Productions site is aimed at boosting production and sales of alternative protein products.

This strategic investment aligns with Nissui’s Good Foods 2030 initiative, introduced in 2022. This initiative aims to position the company as a global leader in fried seafood, significantly enhancing its international operations.

In summary, as Nissui Group continues to adapt to food and drink consumer trends, its recent acquisition in France not only strengthens its product portfolio but also reinforces its commitment to meeting the evolving demands of the food and drink business both domestically and globally.

This strategic move exemplifies the company’s responsiveness to food and beverage industry trends and its intent to cultivate a robust presence in the tapas market.

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